What is worth to visit in Dunavarsány?

The beautiful holiday resorts and the minelakes made artificially of the Danube side offer the visitors opportunities to relax pleasantly and amuse.

Besides the Danube arm, the Domariba-Island is a traditional fishing-place with beautiful summer cottages and quarters. To its nord peak joins the protected 10 hectare swim-moor, which is not only the habitat of infrequent plants but iyou can see freat crested grebe raising its nestlings, several kinds of herons, you can hear the song of a reed-thrush or a reed cricketbird. Out of the ex-minelakes emerges the popular swimming area on the nordside of the location, the Lake Rukkel.

To its prominent sites belongs the monument of the pope Pál János the 23rd in front of the Catholic church. The work of the sculptor Sándor Györfi (who has the award Munkácsy) was inaugurated on the 8th June 1992. The Days of Dunavarsány, the Ball of Harvest or the folk music meetings with the participation of 10-20 orchestras in the beginning of the summer give big experiences and entertainment to the visitors every year.
